Melody: "An aspiring designer. Uhmm berhubung udah resign, saya sekarang freelance dan sibuk les bahasa"
TGIF: "Sejak kapan kamu menyukai dunia fashion?"
Melody: "Since i was a little!"
TGIF: "Describe your personal Style.."
Melody: "Uhmm i can say, seductively punk"
TGIF: "Share kepada kami, pengalaman kamu selama
menjadi fashion stylist/fashion designer? What's the interesting point of doing
Melody: "Banyak ya, i was an assistant designer before. I
learnt lotsss of things. Saya belajar seluk beluk di balik layar dunia fashion
ya, nggak segampang itu sih but trust me its really fun and worth after all."
TGIF: "Siapa atau apa yang menginspirasi kamu dalam
Melody: "Alice Dellal"
TGIF: "If you were not in Indonesia, where would you at?"
Melody: "Paris or maybe New York!!"
TGIF: "If you only have 5 minutes to dress, what will
you wear?"
Melody: "High waist skirt, band's tee, leather jacket and