Minggu, 30 Juni 2013

Melody Marvely

TGIF: "Ceritakan kepada kami tentang diri kamu dan kegiatan kamu sehari-hari!"

Melody: "An aspiring designer. Uhmm berhubung udah resign, saya sekarang freelance dan sibuk les bahasa"

TGIF: "Sejak kapan kamu menyukai dunia fashion?"

Melody: "Since i was a little!"

TGIF: "Describe your personal Style.."

Melody: "Uhmm i can say, seductively punk"

TGIF: "Share kepada kami, pengalaman kamu selama menjadi fashion stylist/fashion designer? What's the interesting point of doing it?"

Melody: "Banyak ya, i was an assistant designer before. I learnt lotsss of things. Saya belajar seluk beluk di balik layar dunia fashion ya, nggak segampang itu sih but trust me its really fun and worth after all."

TGIF: "Siapa atau apa yang menginspirasi kamu dalam berpenampilan?"

Melody: "Alice Dellal"

TGIF: "If you were not in Indonesia, where would you at?"

Melody: "Paris or maybe New York!!"

TGIF: "If you only have 5 minutes to dress, what will you wear?"

Melody: "High waist skirt, band's tee, leather jacket and booties."


Sabtu, 15 Juni 2013


URBAN BEASTS is the mini show case held by art students in Bandung, the things that we love the most is the theatrical fashion show concept, it was just so revolution.

16062013 Street


We just loved how the way she rocked grey rolled-pants and those brown leather shoes. Simplicity is a must.

Senin, 03 Juni 2013

04062013 Mannequin Plastic

These necklaces are originally from Mannequin Plastic, one of the eye-grabbing brand in Bandung. It's actually our favorite brand because they always have the-out-of-the-box designs. Their latest designs seem inspired by the organs of human. And we think skeleton is the everlasting design ever. To purchase their stuff you can follow them on @mannequinplstic.

04062013 #PVJFW4